BitKeep Aggregate Exchange
What is Aggregate Exchange?
BitKeep’s Aggregate exchange is a new concept in the cryptocurrency world, unique to the BitKeep platform which makes cryptocurrency investments easier, faster, reliable and secure. In this article we will explore the edge it gives to BitKeep users.
Traditionally, each individual is required to register with a particular exchange. There, they make an account, fill in all the required documentation, and then finally use that account to buy or sell their cryptocurrencies. But what if some other exchange offers a lower rate? The whole process has to be repeated, over and over for every exchange made on each different platform.
This is where BitKeep’s aggregation system comes into play. What it offers is simple; rather than registering on all various exchanges, all you have to do is use the aggregate exchange inside BitKeep. It will automatically find the exchange which offers the cheapest rates, and buy it for you, saving you the unnecessary hassle. Simply using one BitKeep account connects you with all the major exchanges.
The second thing to note down is that it updates in real time. Rather than tracking down what rate each exchange offers, it tracks all of that for you. So when you buy using this system, it buys at the real time lowest cost available for the currencies. The current version which is undergoing internal bug bounty testing, supports Binance, Huobi and OKEX exchanges, with the next upgrade to include Bitfinex and Bithumb.
Registrations at the exchanges can be complicated; they ask for more documentation details, KYC etc. Whereas, when you use the BitKeep, no such questions are asked. You can freely buy from any of the supported exchanges across the whole crypto market — a far better alternative than having multiple exchange accounts along with number tabs open.
Adding more to this same point, BitKeep also offers a possibility for people who want to do crypto trading and do not have proper documentation, as they can still buy from all the major exchanges from the world through BitKeep’s Aggregate Exchange trading platform. This adds in a new trading market to Bitkeep, for users which otherwise had no where else to go.
Benefits are not just limited to buying, but they are also extended to selling. Whenever you will sell your currency, BitKeep’s system will automatically sell your assets at the highest rate available at the exchanges world wide, giving you maximum profits. So essentially, The Aggregate Exchange is a whole crypto trading platform unto itself.
As seen with recent hack attacks, crypto exchanges are prone to risk. Your assets are safer when they are with you, rather than having them at the exchange. After a cyber attack, hackers can easily transfer money out of the exchange, and you can potentially lose all your assets. In most cases, the hacker moves funds before the centralised exchange can seize wallets. By using BitKeep wallet and the aggregation exchange we offer, you can save yourself from these hazards.
When combined with other features of BitKeep, Aggregate exchange offers much more flexibility. The multi currency-multi chain gives user further edge; they can do trading in any major currency they wish, and the aggregate exchange makes sure that they get the best rates. Similarly, the multi chain offers them to have as many wallets as they want for any types of different tasks.
Furthermore, getting the best deals is good for any crypto trader, but at the same time having further investments opportunities just adds to the functionality of aggregate exchange. The unmatched depth available to trading on BitKeep, has set the standard in not only UX and functionality but also with adoption tonight. This platform offers ours users to be one step ahead of their competitors and to be better market leaders.
BitKeep together with our aggregation exchange functionality offers many unique features and gives our community and users an edge over the users of other crypto-trading and crypto wallet platforms. For any user interested in the works of cryptocurrency and crypto-trading, BitKeep is definitely worth a try!
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