BitKeep & BabySwap Airdrop
Download BitKeep to share 7000 USDT equivalent value of Baby or 4000 BabySwap NFT.
Event Period:
7000 USDT Baby: 19:00, 22 July- 24:00, 24 July, 2021(HKT)
4000 BabySwap NFT: 00:00, 28 July- 00:00, 2 Aug, 2021(HKT)
Campaign 1: Airdrop for New Users
New users who download BitKeep, add BSC chain, deposit 20 USDT equivalent value of digital assets before snapshot on 11:00, 2 Aug(HKT) will split 7000 USDT Baby or 4000 BabySwap NFT.
Campaign 2: Airdrop for Trading
Users who swap successfully on BitSwap/Cross-Chain with more than 50 USDT equivalent value of digital assets will split 7000 USDT Baby or 4000 BabySwap NFT.
Rewards Distribution:
Rewards will be distributed in 7 working days and only adapt to BitKeep BSC chain users.
BitKeep reserves the final interpretation of this event. We have the right to disqualify users who cheated or violated rules.
Risk Alert:
Giveaway is welfare for BitKeep users. No Investment Advice. Do you own DD. The price of digital assets fluctuates greatly, so users are requested to participate carefully after fully understanding and accepting the risks of digital assets investment.