BitKeep Offers Comprehensive Support to Bluehelix
We are happy to announce that BitKeep offers comprehensive support to Bluehelix Chain, the next generation Decentralized Cross-chain DeFi Infrastructure.
About Bluehelix
Based on decentralization and community consensus, Bluehelix Chain employs comprehensive technologies including cryptography and blockchain, supports decentralized governance through technology, and aims to effectively solve the security and trust problems faced by centralized digital assets platforms.
Bluehelix Chain innovates three-layer node architecture, utilizes the distributed private key generation and signature mechanism to realize asset swaps crossing any chains with security, and the direct value swap of the same assets on different public chains can be realized via HDEX, OTC, Cross-chain deposit & withdrawal and other on-chain applications and functions.
About BitKeep
BitKeep is the world’s largest digital currency wallet, which supports all mainstream public chains and Layer 2 such as BTC, ETH, BSC, HECO, TRON, OKExChain, Polkadot, Polygon, EOS, etc. It has provided reliable digital currency asset management service for nearly tens of millions of users around the world; it is also an essential tool wallet for current DeFi users. Its monthly active users exceed 1 million; BitKeep users are located in more than 50 countries around the world, of which overseas users account for more than 60% of the total number of users.
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