Empower Arbitrum Odyssey: Bitget Wallet’s Exclusive $ARB & $GASU Airdrop!

Bitget Wallet
1 min readOct 6, 2023


Bitget Wallet is thrilled to announce that we will empower Arbitrum Odyssey to reignite! We will provide exclusive $ARB Airdrops and $GASU Subsidies for Arbitrum Odyssey participants using Bitget Wallet! New Bitget Wallet users can 100% receive rewards!

<<Portal to Galxe>>

Exclusive Bitget Wallet NFT Rewards:

Users who participate in Arbitrum Odyssey (acquire the Arbitrum Odyssey NFT) using Bitget Wallet will receive exclusive Bitget Wallet Empower NFT, unlocking multiple exciting benefits.

Simply download Bitget Wallet to join!

Bitget Wallet Empower NFT Benefits:

  1. $ARB Airdrops
    Empower NFT holders also have the chance to receive $ARB airdrops for 7 weeks, with random weekly distributions. Single rewards up to 100 $ARB!
  2. $GASU Airdrops
    Empower NFT holders have the chance to receive up to $100 in GASU rewards.
    • New Bitget Wallet users (holding ≥ 10U or trading on Bitget Swap) can receive a 100% guaranteed $5 GASU reward, with the potential to earn up to $100 in GASU!



Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet

Written by Bitget Wallet

Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multi-chain wallet for all your crypto needs.

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