Rise as a Bitget Wallet Knight! Invite Friends & Share a $10,000 Airdrop
To express our gratitude for the unwavering support of our Knights, Bitget Wallet is thrilled to unveil an exclusive invitation airdrop event for the Knights. By inviting friends to download and set up the Bitget Wallet and complete the designated task, Knights stand a chance to share in a $10,000 airdrop, with an individual reward potential of up to $400. If you are not yet a Bitget Wallet Knight, sign up now and take advantage of this limited-time offer. Remember, it’s first come, first served!
Event Period
19:00, August 22nd, 2023–19:00, September 5th, 2023 (UTC+8)
Participate Procedure
- Register here to become a Bitget Wallet Knight. Upon approval, you will be eligible to join the event.
- During the event, new and seasoned Bitget Wallet Knights are encouraged to invite new users using the exclusive Knight’s Mystery Box Red Packet airdrop. The rewards scale with the total number of valid invites, with an individual reward of up to $400.
For invited users to be deemed successful invites, they need to:
- Set up the Bitget Wallet via the Knight-exclusive Mystery Box Red Packet airdrop during the event period.
- Complete Bitget Wallet Swap transactions across any mainnet and token, reaching a total volume of 10 USDT and asset holding worth over 10 USDT.
Bitget Wallet Knights will be eligible for specific airdrop rewards based on the number of successful invites. The reward tier is as follows:
All invited users can also participate in the Mystery Box Red Packet airdrop event and might even unlock a staggering 1,000 USDT airdrop reward! Remember, the more mystery boxes you possess, the higher the Swap amount and the grander the prize upon unveiling.
Step 1: Red Packet Sharing With Friends
After registering as a Bitget Wallet Knight, join the Bitget Wallet Overseas Knight Telegram group and contact @Unnieee028 to secure your Mystery Box Red Packet. After that, share your Red Packet link with your friends.
Step 2: Using Bitget Swap
After keying in the invitation code, your friends must carry out transactions totaling 10 USDT on Bitget Swap. To do so, navigate to Bitget Swap by selecting “Swap” on the banner below. Tap “Swap” on top and choose the preferred token pair to swap. Input the amount, hit “Confirm”, review the details, and confirm again to complete the transaction.
Step 3: Holding Any Crypto Asset
Tap “Receive” on the wallet homepage. Next, select the mainnet corresponding to the token you wish to transfer. We will use USDT on BNB Chain as a reference for this guide. Tap it and navigate to the receipt page. You can use the QR code or copy the receiving address to transfer tokens from other platforms into your Bitget Wallet.
*Your invited friends can also become Bitget Wallet Knights; invite others, complete tasks, and earn more rewards!
Terms and Conditions
- The prize pool for this event is 10,000 USDT.
- All event rewards will be distributed within 7 working days after the event’s conclusion.
- In case of improper invitation methods or behaviors that violate the rules, the participant’s event eligibility and rewards will be revoked upon verification.
- Inviters must be Knights who collaborate with Bitget Wallet. Invited users will only be eligible for the airdrop if they meet the valid user criteria.
Bitget Wallet holds the right to the final interpretation of this event. Any participant found using improper methods, or cheating may have their event rewards and redemption qualifications revoked upon verification.
Thank you for your support and trust in Bitget Wallet. We look forward to launching more exciting reward activities related to innovative assets in the future and your continuous participation.